High School Confusion? Barclay Educational is Here to Help!

High School Confusion? Barclay Educational is Here to Help!

It’s always difficult to decide on a program and future career as you advance throughout high school and the pressure begins to start making choices. You’ll be happy to know that Barclay Educational has more than a decade of experience in guiding students...
Give the Gift of Bark-lay Educational Services this Holiday!

Give the Gift of Bark-lay Educational Services this Holiday!

Wondering about how to find the perfect gift? Would you like to give something which makes a lasting impact? Give the gift of Barclay Educational Services to the students in your life! Barclay provides guidance and counselling to help students find the perfect career...
Do a ONE Year Masters Overseas! Apply Now from Canada

Do a ONE Year Masters Overseas! Apply Now from Canada

Barclay Educational Services has been successfully sending Canadian overseas for postgraduate studies for more than a decade. We help with every step of the application process from program and university choices, to feedback on personal statements, documentation, and...