Recent News
Interested in Forensics? Apply NOW to Strathclyde!
The University of Strathclyde has been training forensic scientists for more than half a century. The focal point of this well-respected program is a major crime scene exercise. This involves investigating simulated outdoor crime scenes, collecting and analysing the...
Come Meet Swansea University! Explore Law & More
Barclay Educational is excited to host a representative from Swansea University next Monday, March 27th 1:30pm at our offices at McMaster Innovation Park in Hamilton Ontario. Come visit to find out about Swansea Law and other exciting postgraduate programs. There are...
Live in London! Apply NOW to Law in the UK
Every year, hundreds of Canadians head to London and other parts of the UK to study Law. There are SO many benefits to doing so whether you are interested in doing a 3 year LLB DIRECTLY from high school, or a 2 year Accelerated Law program if you already have a...
Time is Running Out. Apply NOW to Law in the UK
Hundreds of Canadians head overseas each year to study Law. There are SO many advantages to doing so including the fact that Law in the UK can save both time and tuition, while still being eligible for OSAP and other Canadian student loans. If you plan to start in...
Why Study Law in the UK? Ask Leicester Law at this FREE Seminar!
There's a reason that hundreds of Canadians each year head to Law School in the UK. There are SO many advantages including the fact that NO LSAT is required. Barclay Educational is hosting a Meet and Greet with Leicester Law on Monday March 20th at 6pm, McMaster...
Learn About Leicester Law! Register NOW
Did you know that more than a third of the student body at Leicester Law is Canadian? You could join them! Barclay Educational is hosting Leicester Law on Mon, March 20th 6 pm at McMaster Innovation Park. This is your chance to explore the program and more in person....
Join Us One Week Today! Visit with Leicester Law
Thinking about attending Law School in the UK? Now is your chance to chat in person with Leicester Law School in Hamilton, Ontario. Barclay Educational is hosting a FREE Law Seminar on Monday March 20th at 6 pm, at McMaster Innovation Park, 175 Longwood Rd. S. You can...
Master Fashion & Lifestyle Marketing at GCU. APPLY Now!
Do you love the excitement of the fashion and lifestyle industry? Would you like to be part of this dynamic and emerging marketing business which merges these two experiences? This 1 year Masters program at. Glasgow Caledonian university will give you the necessary...
Earn an International MBA in France. Apply NOW!
Are you interested in becoming an expert in International Business? Now is your chance to apply at one of the top-rated business schools in France. This International MBA program (MIB) is located at IESEG, one of the few business schools in the world to earn a...