Did you know that in a recent ranking Swansea Law School came in second in the UK for course satisfaction? That is one of the many reasons that Canadians are attracted to the university’s Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law. Watch to find out more about one student’s experience.

This program brings together the disciplines of Criminology and Law in a unique offering to create a. thriving academic environment and well-rounded law graduates. This couples with two beautiful campuses on the Swansea seaside make it a much sought after destination for Canadian students who want to study law overseas.

Barclay Educational Services has been successfully sending students overseas to study for more than a decade. As a Canadian representative of UK Universities here in Canada, our services are FREE to students. Get in touch today to ask about starting YOUR law studies at Swansea University in Fall 2022. Email Jackie at JSB@barclayedu.com OR Head to the Contact page on our website https://barclayedu.com/ Let Barclay help YOU find your perfect study pathway!