Did you know that Law at Aberdeen scored a sixth place ranking out of more than 90 law schools in the Complete University Guide 2021? Law at Aberdeen offers many unique advantages to students. Its flexibility provides courses with breadth, depth, choice and quality. All courses are accredited by the Law Society of Scotland and Society of Advocates. A number of Canadians head to Aberdeen each year due to the excellent qualifications the program offers which can be transferred to working back home in Canada. No LSAT test is required for admission. And programs at the University of Aberdeen are eligible for recognized Canadian student loan programs such as OSAP.

Some of the interesting and challenging options include English law, a modern European language or legal system, or other choices to further benefit your career.

The Law School at Aberdeen has been the training ground for many students embarking on a legal career

Law at Aberdeen gives students a thorough grounding in all aspects of law. Courses examine historical, social, political and economic forces that influence our legal systems and govern our societies. You will learn how lawyers actually think, rather than simply memorizing rules of law.

Expert lecturers will add to your learning experience. Students are exposed to complex, realistic legal scenarios in a number of areas including criminal, public and private law, legal systems, contracts, human rights, and explore family law, the law of property, and legal aspects of the EU. Additional learning opportunities are made available in the form of mock legal debating, the Law Society, students’ journal and the community law clinic.

Interested in finding out more about applying to the Law Program from Canada? Would you like to attend classes in Fall 2021? Contact Jackie at JSB@barclayedu.com Barclay Educational Services is a recognized agent of UK Universities which means we are paid by the universities to assist with Canadian applications at NO COST to students. Get in touch today and start your adventure studying Law overseas at the University of Aberdeen!