The lights have been turned out in many theatres around the globe during the pandemic. But parts of the world are slowly making plans to open up again including a return to the professional world of theatre and drama. This drama masters will train you to be an innovative flexible, practitioner who can work across the full range of theatre and media. This includes anything from community theatre to mainstream professional organisations.

This program is suitable for a range of students from those just beginning a career as a theatre maker, drama practitioner, story-teller or educator, as well as for individuals who already have a solid background and range of experience in this field. This MA Drama course will help you fulfill your potential.

In terms of learning, the program has a high level of practical exploration, in conjunction with critical reflection and strong support. The main approach is on reflective practice: this means making work, writing about it, watching work, and exploring different approaches.

The emphasis is on theatre, however, for those with appropriate experience and aspirations there are opportunities to work through other media.

Interested in finding out more about this program? Would you like details on how to apply from Canada? Contact Barclay Educational Services at or head to the Contact Page on our website. Barclay is an authorized agent of UK universities which assists Canadian students with overseas applications at NO CHARGE. Get in touch today and start studying for your Masters Drama at the University of South Wales in Fall 2021!