Have you always been interested in physiotherapy but don’t have a background in it? This course at Queen Margaret University offers an accelerated route for graduates from any discipline to earn a recognized qualification in physiotherapy. This full-time program (MSc) includes a number of placements so students gain hands on experience and get the skills they need to succeed in this area of healthcare.
Students in the program will have a solid understanding of the theoretical, practical, analytical and evaluative skills required to qualify for work in this field. This program fosters independent learners who actively contribute to the wellbeing of the individual and society.

This course offers qualifications which easily transfer back to working in Canada. This program is also eligible for all of the recognized student loan programs, such as OSAP, that Canadian students would receive while studying at home.
Barclay Educational has more than a decade of experience in helping Canadian students successfully study overseas in the UK, France, Germany & elsewhere. Get in touch https://barclayedu.com/contact-us/ to start YOUR exciting new adventure studying physiotherapy at QMU in 2023!
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