There is a reason that a large number of Canadians head overseas each year to start studying Physiotherapy. One huge benefit is the fact that you can apply for Physiotherapy in the UK DIRECTLY from high school here in Canada. In addition, programs are eligible for OSAP and other Canadian student loans AND qualifications transfer easily back home. Hear from one former grad at Glasgow Caledonian University.
Physiotherapists are important members of health care teams. They work with a wide range of people to help prevent injury, promote health and restore movement and function. GCU graduates embody the values and skills which enable them to become innovative and problem-solving practitioners. There is a sound emphasis on a scientific outlook dealing with patients in diverse settings, from neuro rehabilitation and musculoskeletal to respiratory care and industry.
Learning is done via a range of methods including practise on other students in the class, a clinical simulation lab, field trips, practice education placements and e-learning. Students also gain important practical experience in an elective placement.

Interested in finding out more about how YOU can become part of the GCU Physiotherapy Program from Canada? Get in touch Let Barclay Educational’s decade of experience in overseas studies help YOU find your perfect pathay.
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