Are you an experienced artist looking to improve your skills on the stage? Or are you someone who is just starting out in your quest to be a theatre maker, dramatic artist, or educator? In either case, this MA Drama at the University of South Wales will give you the tools you need to work across a full range of theatre and media.

After graduating, you will be prepared to work in everything from community groups to mainstream professional organisations. Learning is done through a high level of practical exploration, along with critical reflection as well as benefiting from excellent support and supervision. Much of your time is spent making work, writing about it, watching work, and exploring various approaches thoughtfully.

The emphasis of this postgraduate program is on theatre, however, there are opportunities to work through other media for those with the appropriate experience. Interested in finding out more about finding YOUR voice on the stage? Barclay Educational offers FREE application support for Canadians. Get in touch
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