Thinking about becoming a teacher? Did you know that The School of Education at Aberystwyth University has been training teachers from all over the world since 1872? Did you also know that this historic university in Wales is a popular choice for Canadians since qualifications transfer back to working at home and the program is just one year long? Even better, the Teacher Training (PGCE) program is eligible for OSAP and other Canadian student loans!

Learn more about this school with its beautiful seaside campus:
This program introduces students to hands on experience at both the Primary and Secondary levels. In addition, if you meet all the program admission requirements you get FREE ACCOMMODATION during the time you are required to be on campus!
Interested in finding out more about this excellent program? For details on how to qualify from Canada contact We offer FREE application support for Canadians and have more than a decade in overseas education experience. OR come visit us in person Ste 104 McMaster Innovation Park Hamilton, Ont. We look forward to meeting you!
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