Are you interested in becoming an expert in International Business? Now is your chance to apply at one of the top-rated business schools in France. This International MBA program (MIB) is located at IESEG, one of the few business schools in the world to earn a distinguished Triple Crown rating for excellence. Find out more:

What better place to master International Business than by spending a year studying overseas? ALL programs at IESEG are conducted in English and are eligible for OSAP and all of the similar Canadians student loans that you would receive here at home. In addition, IESEG has two beautiful campuses for students with full amenities; one in Paris and the other in the beautiful city of L’ille. Learn more:

With its excellent student support network, IESEG is a natural choice for Canadians heading overseas to study for a Masters in Business. Want to make IESEG in France part of YOUR study adventure? Get in touch for FREE application support. We can’t wait to meet you!