LIMITED Spaces Still Open to Study OT in the UK!

LIMITED Spaces Still Open to Study OT in the UK!

Are you hoping to study Occupational Therapy? Did you miss being admitted to a program here in Canada? There are still a few spaces available in the excellent program at Queen Margaret University in Scotland, but you MUST hurry! The admissions window will be closing...
Launch Into Law! Still Time to Study in the UK

Launch Into Law! Still Time to Study in the UK

Looking to launch your law career? Did you miss getting into the Canadian Law School of your choice? There is STILL TIME to apply to study Law in the UK, but you must hurry as there are limited spaces available. Each year hundreds of Canadians head overseas to one of...
Master Family Law at the University of Law!

Master Family Law at the University of Law!

The University of Law is a popular destination for Canadians interested in both undergraduate and postgraduate Law education. The Master of Laws (LLM) in Family Law is a postgraduate degree which is open to both law and non-law graduates with the goal of enhancing...
Why Canadians Love Law at South Wales!

Why Canadians Love Law at South Wales!

Are you a Canadian who is considering Law School? Do you know that hundreds of Canadians head overseas each year to the UK to study Law? Do you also know that the University of South Wales is one of the places that is very popular with students from Canada? Learn more...
Leap Into 2024 With a Law Degree! Apply to the UK

Leap Into 2024 With a Law Degree! Apply to the UK

As the holidays approach, it’s always a time to reflect on what the New Year might hold for you. Make 2024 the year that you start your goal of becoming a lawyer, by studying Law in the UK! Barclay Educational Services has more than a decade of experience in...