Need Money to Study Overseas? Ask Barclay!

Need Money to Study Overseas? Ask Barclay!

Barclay Educational has been working to help Canadians study overseas for more than a decade. A big question that most students have when applying is “How do I pay for it?” What many students don’t know is that all of our overseas programs in the UK,...
Make Your Overseas Study Dreams Happen with Barclay!

Make Your Overseas Study Dreams Happen with Barclay!

Barclay Educational Services has been making overseas study dreams come true for Canadians for more than a decade. Located in Hamilton, Ontario at the well-known McMaster Innovation Park, we have close partnerships with top-rated universities in the Britain, Wales,...
Join Us For A Visit with UK Universities! Register NOW

Join Us For A Visit with UK Universities! Register NOW

Barclay Educational Services is located at the renown McMaster Innovation Park and has been successfully helping student study in the UK, France, Germany & Ireland for more than a decade. Starting this Fall, several representatives from our overseas partner...
Why Canadians Love Law in the UK. Apply NOW!

Why Canadians Love Law in the UK. Apply NOW!

Did you know that Law in the UK is one of the most commonly requested programs by Canadian students? There are a number of reasons that UK Law programs are so popular. Find out more about the advantages: Barclay Educational works with a number of top-rated partner...
Master Physiotherapy at GCU! Apply NOW

Master Physiotherapy at GCU! Apply NOW

Did you know that you can apply for Physiotherapy in the UK right from high school? Did you also know that qualifications transfer back easily to working back home in Canada? This accelerated MSc Physiotherapy at Glasgow Caledonian University will give you the skills...
Master Marine Sciences in the UK. Apply NOW for Fall 2023!

Master Marine Sciences in the UK. Apply NOW for Fall 2023!

As global warming and plastic pollution in our seas becomes more of a concern, our oceans and marine life are bearing much of the impact. Reports of problems such as bleached coral, disappearing fish species and more, appear in the media each day. You can gain the...