Study LAW in the UK! Start Fall 2023

Study LAW in the UK! Start Fall 2023

Planning to study Law? Apply NOW to the UK and start studying in Fall 2023! Barclay Educational Services has more than a decade of experience in successfully helping people to study overseas. Law is our number one placement for Canadian students. Find out more: ALL...
Want to Study in the UK! Barclay Can Help You for FREE!

Want to Study in the UK! Barclay Can Help You for FREE!

Did you know that hundreds of Canadians head overseas each year to study in the UK? There are SO many advantages to doing so including the benefits of studying Law with a 2 year Accelerated Law program, or the ability to enter Law and a number of other programs such...
Start YOUR Application to Study Law in the UK!

Start YOUR Application to Study Law in the UK!

Did you know that the UK is one of the most popular destinations for Canadians who want to study Law? Did you know that qualifications easily transfer over to working back home in Canada? Find out more about the programs that are available: ALL programs are eligible...
Explore Virtual Law Internships in the UK! Apply NOW

Explore Virtual Law Internships in the UK! Apply NOW

Are you considering a career in Law? Are you a Canadian student (age 18 & over) who wants to apply to Law school in the near future? Barclay Educational Services has partnered with Virtual Internships, a global company offering online internship opportunities to...
Study Physiotherapy in the UK! APPLY NOW

Study Physiotherapy in the UK! APPLY NOW

Have you always been interested in physiotherapy but don’t have a background in it? This course at Queen Margaret University offers an accelerated route for graduates from any discipline to earn a recognized qualification in physiotherapy. This full-time program...
Start Vet School Right From High School! APPLY NOW

Start Vet School Right From High School! APPLY NOW

Did you know that you can apply to become a vet directly from high school in Canada if you want to study in the UK? Programs qualify for all of the student loan programs, such as OSAP, that you would apply for here at home. AND qualifications transfer back easily to...